Thursday, November 20, 2014

3 mos. down and LOTS of lessons learned

Yesterday I had my 3 month post-surgery follow up with my surgeon's Nurse Practitioner.  In their office I weighed in at 304.  I was bundled up in a sweatshirt and kept my shoes on.  At home I weigh in at 302.  Nurse said that sounds about right.  That said, I came in at 16 pounds dropped since my last office visit (9-29-14...just shy of 2 mos); and 54 pounds down over all (going by the 302).  As pathetic as it sounds, I will be soooo thrilled when I can celebrate being back in the 200s....and I live for the day I can celebrate being back in the 100s.

During my appointment they drew blood to check my B12 and Vitamin D levels.  Both were way low prior to surgery.  I now take B12 once a week via a nasal spray; but haven't taken any Vitamin D since prior to surgery.  My B12 level came back right in the middle of the acceptable range.  I'm still waiting for the Vitamin D results.

I told the NP how there are days when I have NO appetite whatsoever.  I found this to be true in Vegas.  Nothing tasted good to me.  I was tired of eating out, etc.  Eating is not something to be enjoyed now.  It's nothing more than a necessary task in my day.  I haven't really "enjoyed" a meal in a while.  Since we've returned from Vegas I'm slowly picking up my appetite; and I definitely prefer home cooking versus going out.  It's just a pain.  If I can only eat 4-8 oz.  I want to enjoy them.  The Dietitian said that there is a "honeymoon phase" for about 6 months where that can be true; and that it usually comes back.  That's a relief?!

I was a bad girl and did not track my protein; so she asked me to try logging it for a couple days a week.  I'll do that, although I haven't yet!

And while I did walk a LOT during our trip to Vegas, the goal for me would be to establish a more ritualistic exercise regime.  It's kind of hard for me to get excited about this.  It's all I can do to make it through the average work day with my Fibromyalgia (which presents itself more like Chronic Fatigue).  We are running non stop on weekends.  But during the week, I sit at a desk and by 6 or 7, I'm toast!  This will most definitely be a work in progress.  At least I noticed that I am definitely NOT getting winded as easily as I used to.  This is a plus.

The NP was very happy with my results, saying I was doing "excellent".  Beautiful, just what I want to hear.

They have a new app called My New Self, available on MAC and Android systems.  So while I waited o see the NP, I downloaded it.  One of the first things it asked me was my target weight.  This is not something that had been discussed before.  So I mentioned it to Lily (the NP).  In the interim I put 175 in the tool.  She talked me through her guesstimate and made it very clear that it's too early to know and that they look at your collar bone, body structure, how the weight loss looks on you, etc before making such a determination.  BUT, for now, she said conservatively I could shoot for 180.  It still seems VERY out of reach for me at this point.  But I was VERY encouraged to hear that it's NOT out of the realm of possibilities for me to get down into the 100's, even if it's the high end.  Who knows how many years it will take at this pace; but I've got nuttin' but time!!!!

Some of the lessons I learned over the past month are:

1)  Don't be fooled when you have a free drink ticket on Southwest and think Bailey's on ice sounds delicious.  Literally two sips in, I turned green in the gills and had to resort to this handy little thing!  Yes, folks, I was THE one who got sick from alcohol before we even made it to Vegas!!!  How sad is that?!  I'm thinking this may help me stave off any Bailey's cravings in the future!!!  Clearly it is too sweet for me to play with any more.

2)  Even though I don't get winded as easily as I did pre-surgery, I still have to take breaks from walking due to my back injury (broken back 1985).  I just can't be on my feet long at all.

3)  It helps if you carry the anti nauseal meds with you at all times.  Just.In.Case!

4)  Big Fancy $33 per person Vegas buffets are a complete and utter waste of money for me.

5)  It's amazing the things you can find these days that are sugar free or no sugar added.  I was able to enjoy Gelato with my friends while in Vegas.  I was able to order birthday cakes for my mom and dad from a nearby cake decorator....both in sugar free cake mix and frosting.  At our Schnucks we discovered that Pillsbury makes sugar free cake mixes and sugar free frosting (although our store didn't have the frosting).  I'm feeling hopeful that I can make something I can enjoy for Fox's birthday, too.  The lady I ordered his cake from said she cannot do sugar free.  I think I'll make some sugar free cupcakes for those of us who have sworn off sugar.  Also while in Vegas, we went in a candy store called LICK.  I was able to get some packaged sugar free candies.  Of all the sugar free candy I've tasted, the only one I REALLY like are sugar free Jelly Belly's.  Believe it or not, they are really good.  Can't even tell they are sugar free.  Have to be careful, though, 'cos the sugar alcohol in them has a laxative effect.  So you probably don't want to down the entire bag?!

6)  I was able to sit in a regular seat at the Hard Rock Hotel's venue called The Joint where we saw Kiss Rocks Las Vegas.  It was still cozy sitting next to Kevin; but it wasn't uncomfortable to where I felt like a pretzel when we left.  This is a new and liberating feeling.

7)  The days where I can take advantage of Southwests "Persons of Size" policy are numbered; but for the Vegas trip Kevin and I were able to preboard and there was a seat between us.  This was nice.  I will miss that.....FOR SURE.

8)  If you're going to try raw carrots, CHEW them to death.  I made the mistake of not chewing well enough this week and all of a sudden that old lap band, got something stuck feeling reared it's ugly head.  I was MISERABLE up until I puked violently and about 10 minutes later I was calmed down and ok.  Haven't touched a raw carrot since.

9)  The ONLY craving I still have is actually DIET SODA.  I still struggle and want to have "just one" from time to time; but I am too scared of sabotaging myself.  Several times during our vacation and even this week back at home, I've wished I could have "just one".  But I know myself too well.  If I have one, it will never end at "just one".  So I've yet to have any type of carbonated beverage.  I did fall prey to one craving and tried to substitute with a Icee....Coca Cola Icee........couple sips and it was disgustingly sweet to me so I abandoned it.  That seems to be how a lot of my cravings end up.  Disappointing.

10)  This is sooo not weight loss related but I have to throw it in here 'cos I'm still laughing about it.  I learned that Paul Stanley of KISS is from NY or NJ or somewhere up East.  His accent and voice are SOOOO not what you'd expect from a tall LEGEND of Rock n Roll.  "Helloooooooo  KISS, Aw-mee".

11)  I get bored of drinking just water.  I have to get tea sometimes just to have SOME variety.  I can see me drinking more wine than before since all my other alcoholic options are bad.  Hoping to enjoy some over the holidays.

12)  I was able to walk from the stretch hummer we rented which was parked outside the stadium parking lot to the UNLV football stadium and up some stairs without any trouble.  Easy Peasy for most; but monumental for me.  2 months ago that never would have happened.

13)  My clothes are definitely fitting me differently.  So in the past few weeks, I thought I'd get my act together and order jeans in a size 30, 2 sizes down from my starting size.  SURPRISE.  I wore them like a WEEK.  Fortunately, I ordered a couple of that size and the size below it (28).  Almost immediately, I was in the 28s.  Not sure how long it will take me to get in 26s.  I have none on hand.  Since I work from home, I mostly wear sweats and yoga pants.  Even my old sweats are starting to hang on me or fall off if not tied.  I have to go to San Antonio in December and January.  No idea what I'll wear.  I have a couple old skirts I can get by wearing with boots.  But don't think I have any slacks that fit.  Maybe I should put that on my Christmas list?!  Shirts I wear till they look sloppy big hanging on me.  I'm starting to buy some 3Xs and 22/24s.  I am in a 26 comfortably now.

14)  I fit into my sequined dress from my rehearsal dinner 4 years ago!!!  I can also fit into sandals I once thought I needed to sell due to my swelling!!!  That's me on the far left in the photo below:

15)  The more weight I lose, the more confident I am that I'll be keeping my hair short.  I love it short, so easy and fast!

16)  Even at 54 lbs. down, my legs and feet still swell when I am walking or on them all day.  Guess there is no avoiding it?!  However, they do not swell to the same degree that they once did, prior to my surgery.  It helps if I wear tennis shoes.

17)  I still needed a seat belt extender on the flight to Vegas but not by much.  Won't be long till I can relieve myself of the added carry on item!!!

I've heard my shoe size will go down, as well.  So far I haven't noticed too much.  Hoping it won't change by a lot.  I kinda like the collection I have going now.

Other than that I'm just trying to get through the holidays and continue learning how to live a new lifestyle, free of sugar and with some added physical activity.  I know what I have in mind.........not sure Kev's on board, tho.  ;-)

Below is a pic taken last Saturday (close enough to Tues).  It was taken at the SHAVE party we held in honor of my aunt who is battling Ovarian Cancer and undergoing chemo now.  I kinda dig the shaved head, to be honest.  So simple and easy and carefree.

And again my BEFORE Surgery pic:

Until next month.........Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good night!!!

