Monday, December 2, 2013

FLURO what????

Well here it is, December 2nd.  What's the significance you ask?  I was scheduled for my first gastric lap band fill in over FOUR years. I've been scared silly about this....for fear that I will not be able to eat solid foods again!

For those just now following along, I had gastric lap band surgery in May of 2006.  I drooped 50 pounds instantly; but once my surgeon in KS starting giving me fills I spent the better part of 3 yrs throwing up every meal I attempted.  It was a horrible quality of life.  My band has been drained and dormant in my body ever since.

So today I saw Dr. Scott with My New Self Bariatric in Des Peres, MO.  He chose to do my first band "adjustment" also known as a "fill" under Fluroscopy.  A Fluoroscope is like an x-ray machine which allows "real time" or moving images of the body.  Here's kinda how it went:

My doctor in KS had a machine in his office; but Dr. Scott does not.  He uses the one in the hospital itself.  Therefore, I had to go through the entire hospital registration process.  Once I made it through that maze, I headed down to Radiology.

Thankfully, they do not require gowns or anything fancy for a band fill.  I was able to go into the exam room in my street clothes.  They put me on a table similar to an xray table then cleaned my stomach with alcohol in prep for an injection.  Next they gave me a shot of Lidocaine to numb the area (this was something my doctor in KS never did.......his philosophy was if I'm gonna stick ya it's only gonna be once).  While I never had a problem with they way my former surgeon (Dr. Malley) did fills (other than the fact that I couldn't eat solid food and spent all of my time puking), I have to admit that the Lidocaine was nice.  I didn't even feel the other needle (which is a looooong one) go in.

So after the numbing, they inserted the needle that they were going to administer the saline through.  This is done via my port which is on the mid right section of my abdomen.  When doing a fill under "Fluro" they then raise the table so that I am literally in standing position....while the needle is still in.  They hand me what looks like a small plastic bottle of milk.  It was actually "contrast".  I was told when to drink...and after I'd take a drink, they'd watch the screen to see the contrast/liquid pass through my band.  This helps them determine how tight my band is and what they needed to do to create more restriction (tighten it).

Today they gave me 1 cc of saline and instructed me to remain on a liquid diet all day.  They do this because often after a fill there can be inflammation of the stomach from the reaction..  It's like we poked the bear, so to speak.  And we definitely don't want to piss him off!

So far all I've had today is iced tea.  I'm trying to determine while I'll have for dinner that's liquid.  I do not want to do BAD things like feed the bear ice cream or carbonation, etc.  I'm thinking soup, I mean, what else is there?!

The REAL test will be tomorrow and the days to come.  Typically when you have an adjustment you are instructed to eat like you did post surgery...a gradual system of liquids, then mushy foods, then soft then solids.  As a lap band patient there are many foods I need to avoid as they are not "band friendly".  Mostly, it's things that bread, pastas, rices.....and things you can't chew down, like steak.

The goal is to eat like 5 oz of protein in VERY tiny pieces and chew till you feel your jaws will fall off so that the food can pass through a dime sized opening at the top of your stomach pouch.

In an ideal world, the lap band will now work for me and I can eat less and lose weight while feeling full.  However, I'm skeptical and afraid based on past experiences.  This entire exercise of filling and trying the band again is pure necessity, prove compliance and gain insurance approval for gastric bypass surgery IF the band does NOT work for me this go round.

So the outcome has yet to be determined......and I'm a little nervous for the ride that I'm about to take; but it's a necessary evil.......if you want to come along, put on your seat belt cos I'm thinking this will be a bit of a roller coaster.

I'll be posting in the days to come to let you know if I am able to handle soft, mushy and solid foods and if there is any weight loss whatsoever.  I'm also looking for a pedometer to track my steps.

Below is a link to a YouTube video of an actual band fill under Fluro.........exactly how mine was conducted earlier case anyone is curious.

So buckle up buttercups, we're going for a ride.....................