Monday, January 27, 2014

Feelin Lucky

Just a quick update since my second lap-band fill.  Got a .25 CC adjustment on Wednesday the 22nd.  The first two days, I didn't really notice much difference, as far as restriction goes.

On Saturday, however, I hadn't eaten all day.  By the time we sat down at the table for Chinese delivery, my stomach wasn't sure if it was up for food.  I ordered my usual "Sauteed String Beans" and plain fried rice.  My mouth was watering for green beans, too.  But as it turned out, the band wasn't so "hip" on them.  I relented, gave it about 15 minutes till my stomach calmed then proceed to eat the rice and a couple crab rangoon only.  It seemed to take forever; but it was good and filling despite the lack of green beans!

Sunday morning I attempted a bite of a butter braid.  Again, my stomach wasn't into it.

I've noticed a difference this time around.  I'm now able to take more than one bit before getting sick...and when I start feeling not so well, I back off, give it some time and go with my gut.  If it says, forget it, I cease all attempts, like with the butter braid.  If it says, "hey, I think it's just this one thing", I try to continue sans that in the case of the green beans.  As I was warned many a time, the band is a fickle thing.  It may restrict something one day and be ok with it the next.

I've yet to get violently ill like in years past.  Now, I step back, give it a moment and then finish when I can.  So far that kind of patience has been beneficial.

I don't step on my scale at home; so I won't have the weight loss results until I weigh in each visit at the doctor's office.  Those updates will be less frequent.  Bear with me.

Sunday afternoon I was able to eat a fair amount.  We had dinner out.  I enjoyed Chicken Flautas with a cheese sauce on top.  I had some of my rice; but didn't really finish it like I would have normally.

Today I noticed a really cool thing.  For the first time since I've had my band, I actually felt like it was working the way it is supposed to.  Silly yet an AMAZING feeling.  I was able to eat breakfast (a Quaker bar and a slice of string cheese and some iced tea).  No problems whatsoever.

For lunch, I warmed up some leftovers, a foil hamburger patty with cheese on it and small potato.  I was able to eat about a a third to half the burger (which was 4 oz to begin with) and one small potato.  I felt full and satisfied.  So I threw the rest away.  GLADLY.

For dinner this evening, I made taco soup, which is on the Weight Watchers plan.  I ate one bowl and felt fine.  It was nice to feel satisfied and be able to walk away.  I'm really hoping this is an indication that the tool is working.  These symptoms are not something I ever experienced back in 2006-2009.

In a perfect world, the band will work for me and I can avoid gastric bypass surgery altogether.  For now, I am remaining optimistic.

I placed my order for Plexus Slim with Accelerator today, along with their ProBiotic product.  Anxious to see how I feel on it.  My next small goal is to cut soda out altogether and increase activity, simply by tracking steps, etc

I haven't been snacking between meals; and I've stocked up on some healthier snack options, which is a very small step.  But I'm still thrilled about it.  I sliced 2 huge bunches of ripe bananas up this evening and froze them in probably 20-30 baggies full for a quick, grab and go snack option.  I find I eat whatever I can get my hands on when I want a snack.  The trick is to be armed with healthier options.

I'll keep updating with the good, bad and ugly as I make new observations and take things on a day to day basis.

Thanks to everyone for the words of encouragement and the generous offers to help in miscellaneous ways.

2014 is the Year of Lori!  I BELIEVE!!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

It's a New Year!

Happy New Year!  I hope those of you who are following my "journey" had a wonderful holiday season.  I sure did!  Wow, what a difference a year makes.  In the past year, I found a phenomenal job (after a hellacious year off) and began the process of rebounding and rebuilding my adult life here in St. Louis.  I look back and think....if this much changed in one year, a LOT can change this year.  So, I'm putting one foot in front of the other and praying for a constant forward motion over the next 300 some odd days.  Care to take a walk with me?

Many of my friends and family have been curious to know what became of me after my first lap band fill since 2010.  That took place on December 2nd, 2013.  The good news is, I lived to tell about it.  And so the story goes.

After my initial Re-fill, things got a little crazy in my life (as they sometimes do during the holidays).  I made it through the first few days after the fill without any complications....meaning, I didn't hurl any of my food like I'd been known to do with my first go-round of the band (2006-2009).  Life was great.  I just took one day at a time and slowly the negative expectations I'd had of the fill had turned positive.

I started using a phone app called "Meal Logger" and ordered a pedometer after reading all the reviews, etc.  I was on my way....

THEN I was approached about a new position opening up at work and urged to go for it.  I'll skip the back story and fast forward to the part where I applied, was offered and accepted the position.  So, in a whirlwind of events, I was jetting off to Phoenix the week before Christmas.  I don't like to travel for work the way I did when I was single.  I find that I prefer to be home now; and I don't like what it does to my routine:  I don't take my daily meds like I should, I eat like once a day and tend to eat a lot more then, etc.  This new role was going to afford me less travel.....well, after the trip to Arizone for training, that was.

When I got back from that trip, it was just in time for Christmas week, which was a whole other level of chaos, especially with a blended family.  Instead of one or two days of celebrations and meals, it's now a long week of tempatations, etc.  All in all, I managed very well for our family Christmases.  No major events that I can recall.

I've been scrambling with training and taking over the position at work for the past several weeks; and now I'm FINALLY finding a rhythm (although I'm still learning).  I have had a few "episodes" of puking over the past few weeks.  Although it's not like "vomiting" as you know it.  It's a different feeling and experience altogether and lasts longer than actual puking.  Anyway, I chalk the setbacks up to a combination of stress, waiting too long to eat then eating too fast and not properly chewing, etc.  No complaints.  I'll "own" that.

Twice in the past week I was surprised to receive voice mail messages to confirm follow up doctor appointments that I'd long forgotten about.  Oops.  I guess there was no escaping them.  Damned doctors are keeping me honest.

One visit was for my sleep apnea doc who wanted to see how I've been doing on my new machine and titration level.  That appointment went seamlessly last Friday; and I should be getting a new mask soon to avoid air leakage.  Bada Bing, Bada Boom!

Then I decided I better make my follow up with Dr. Scott (my bariatric surgeon) since I was supposed to go 3 weeks after my fill which put me into the time when I was in the midst of a job change, travel, holidays, etc.  I was already behind the 8 ball!  But I didn't want to be off track for long.  Soooo, I went today at 10 am.

Little did I realize that after I'd committed to that, I'd get yet another "surprise" call to confirm the most dreaded of all appointments.  The one where I had to go back to my OB/GYN for a follow up to a scare I had back in late October.  I had to get my second endometrial biopsy as a follow up to a diagnosis of precancerous cell activity in my uterus.  FLIPPIN JOY.  Cos the first one wasn't enough "fun".

Mind, you, I'm still learning the ropes in my new position.  I don't like to be away from the office and my desk for long at all.  I'm slower than I have time to be in the new position; and a short time away buries me.  BUT, I decide I better go to both appointments in one day or I'll never go, kinda thing.


This morning I literally ran out the door at 9:45 am for a 10 am appointment on the other side of town.  It seemed impossible for me to make it by 10 am; but I hopped in the car and drove like the former Johnson Countian I am (think autobahn).  I was there by 10:03.......only to walk into the usual overcrowded waiting room full of unhappy people waiting to be seen.  I try to be patient and complete all the forms for the "new year".  ARGH.  It was past 11 am when I was finally called back!  ONE HOUR later than my scheduled appointment.

The nurse weighed me and took my blood pressure.  Good news, I lost a whole 3 pounds since my last visit.  Bad news, it wasn't the target 1-2 lbs per week that is the goal with the band.  At 7.5 weeks post fill IF I was at my "sweet spot" I should have lost between 7.5 to 15 lbs)  Hey, after the holidays and all, I was happy that I showed a LOSS at that point.  BABY STEPS.

I first saw the dietician which is like taking the morning walk of shame after shacking with some guy.  I had to explain to her that the whole Meal Logger application lasted like 2 days then I got busy with work and fell off the tracking wagon.  And I had to go on to explain that I had a cheap pedometer that kept falling off of me every day; so I ordered a new one from Amazon that arrived with a broken screen.  And I've been too busy/lazy/etc. to call and fight with Amazon for a replacement.  I will do that next, I suppose.  So I had a whole 2 days of meals logged and ZERO activity to show her.  OUCH.  As the old SlapShot line goes, I needed to "go to penalty box..." you "feel shame".

Side note:  I did get a nice gift for my 1 Year Anniversary at work....a voucher to purchase something from the Company Store.  So I bought a pedometer.  I'm not sure how quality it is, given it's like a promo item.  But I ordered one nonetheless.  And I had money to spare; so I also got a long sleeve shirt with the company logo.  Usually when I buy company logo items, that's about the time they get rid of me!!!  I digress!

The goal for my next follow up (scheduled for 2-19) is to have some meals tracked and physical activity to report (logging steps per day, etc).  I plan to download a different app, called My Fitness Pal to begin the next phase of this task.  And I plan to call Amazon and get a replacement as well as follow up as to where my company order is.  The dietician went easy on me and reminded me of the following:

"Weight loss is like a four legged stool.  If you lose one leg of the stool, your weight loss progress will be off balance".  While it may be a great visual....I felt like I have regressed to kindergarten levels.  The next reminder was:  "The band is only a TOOL.  YOU determine your success.  Often the answer to slowed weight loss or weight regain has little to do with the band and more to do with changes in eating and exercise habits.".  I think the point she was trying to drive home is that I am the creator of my own destiny and that I have to EXERCISE to be successful, too.  Doesn't she know I have an allergy to it????  Her other flyer outlined the following tops to begin exercising:

1)  Practice Discipline  (this is something I seem to lack everywhere in my life except work, strange but true)

2)  Exercise Consistently (Um, yea..........gotta work on that)

3)  Keep it Simple....10 min at first and working o 30 min a day  (seems do-able)

4)  Never do zero exercise ( in, repeat offender)

Ok, so in all seriousness, she made her point and then I proceeded to wait another 30 or so minutes before the doctor (actually it was his Nurse Practitioner) saw me.  She was the person who gave me the fill back in December.  She was awesome.  She went over some basics with me, asked me how I'd felt, how often my "episodes" were happening and what triggered them.  She also went on to imply that perhaps I should get creative in what I report to the dietician in order to build a business case for a certain insurance company to approve the bypass surgery.  However, we both remained hopeful that perhaps the second time around with the band, I'd find success and be able to forego another surgery.  Time will tell.  But it is a "game" and it is "business".  Fortunately for me, I know how "business" works!  I shall play the game in addition to following the rules to the best of my ability and willpower.

Toward the end of our conversation she asked ME if I thought I needed another fill today.  Based on the fact that I can still eat a plate full of food (and knowing that I should only be able to eat about half that) and that I hadn't lost the expected amount once one reaches their "sweet spot", I said yes.  She agreed.  She explained that on Dec. 2nd they tried to give me 1.50 cc's of fluid but could tell via the Fluroscope that I was "too full" (it sounds so much nicer than "too tight" which is the term they use).  So at that time they only filled me 1.00 cc's.  Knowing that I am too tight at 1.5 cc's, she decided to give me an additional .25 cc's to take me to 1.25 cc's total (in my band).

When you get a "fill" you wind up starting your dietary restrictions you had post surgery over again (temporarily) until the stomach can "heal" from the trauma of the fill.  So, I am on a liquid diet today, tomorrow I will be on soft foods and on Friday I can graduate to solid foods.  It's the same drill each time you have a band adjustment aka "fill".

I go back in 4 weeks for my next follow up and to report in on my meals and fitness tracking.  I'm not sure what happened suddenly; but I'm feeling optimistic about this.  Thank Goodness.  Maybe I just need to think it to believe it to achieve it, who knows?!

I got out of there JUST IN TIME to high tail it on down 40 to O'Fallon to the OB/GYN appointment at 1 pm. And I just made it.  Glad I didn't have any WORK or anything to do today?!

I still hadn't eaten.....going long periods without eating is highly discouraged yet here I was from one place to another on a schedule that doesn't allow time for breaks.  Story of my life!  I REALLY dislike living by a schedule day in and day out!

This was the appointment I was dreading.  I certainly survived my first endometrial biopsy.  But it was one of those uncomfortable things for about 5 minutes in reality yet it felt like an eternity.  Ladies, picture this.  Men, picture something similar like your "twins" in a vice grip and being tugged and needles coming at them and removing skin samples from them.  Ok, back to the I'm on this exam table (you know the drill) and it's time.  The procedure involves a long very thin tube like apparatus that is inserted into your lady town area past the cervix on up to the very tip top of the uterus, think equator to the North Pole.  But then she discovers your cervix has a mind of it's own, so it decides to dance around a little to where she needs to grip it and hold it while doing the biopsy, think vice grip on your womanhood!  I'm not exaggerating!!!  This "pulling" on the cervix results in not only some severe discomfort that cannot pass soon enough; but also gives you the sensation that you are literally going to have a gastric explosion in the doctor's face....and I'm not talking air.  It is THE.WORST.FEELING.EVER.  Mind, you, I've never given birth; so I'm sure most women could top my story.  But this was a pretty miserable feeling for me....and I hated that I felt like if I did have to do something gross, I was not in control.  MORTIFYING.  And this made for the second longest stretch of 5 minutes in my life.  Lucky me, she got the tissue samples she needed, cleaned me up and got me out of there.  Not.Fast.Enough!!!  I survived a second time.  I should know the results in a matter of days.

Now then, I asked her how often I'm going to need these (already dreading the inevitable next one).  She usually does one at 3 mos after the IUD (which was the only treatment option I had available and was done in Oct) and 3 mos after the 2nd.  So, I get to have my third on 4-23.  She says usually by then the cancerous cells are gone.  Seriously, prayers are much appreciated!!!  I do NOT like having to do this!!!

Other than the possibility of having to see my internist to treat whatever this cold I'm coming down with is, I think I have a reprieve from doctors for at least 4 weeks!  Hey, I'm celebrating the little things these days!!!  Maybe I can enjoy my birthday and Valentine's Day without that stress looming!

I didn't go into much detail about what the experience is like when a lap band patient gets food "stuck" above the band.  But I'll be happy to explain it to anyone who is curious enough to learn more about it.  It's just one more GROSS reality about me that my poor husband has to endure!

I have a friend who is on Plexis Slim and has had great results.  At first I thought it was just another fad or multi-level marketing scheme; but I've read too many testimonials of everyday people like you and me.  So, I'm looking into taking that as well; but plan to run it past the dietician first.  I'll keep everyone posted if I go that route and document my success with that, as well.

For now, I'm just HAPPY with life the way it's FINALLY falling together after moving home in Dec. 2011.  Proof that patience and persistence pay off.  Got the job that is perfect for me, settled in on the homefront, getting my routines ironed out and now this goal to work on.  I always seem to have something to strive for.  Now it's lap band success and weight loss.  This will be a years long endeavor I'm sure.  Probably something I work on for the remainder of my lifetime.  And I'm runnin out of time.  So I better get on it.  I'm not getting any younger; and I've got things to to with Fox before he gets too old!

But first, I'm gonna go hop my arse in bed and nurse this bug.............stay tuned...........and a heartfelt thank you for choosing to walk with me.  I love my family and friends.
