Monday, May 26, 2014

The Lap Band Diaries 5-26-14

I'm not the most diligent blogger.  In fact, I have been very remiss.  Truth is, there isn't much to say in between monthly doctor visits.

It seems we've been so wicked busy living life that it's been forever since my last post.  So a quick recap, I'm desperately seeking insurance approval from Cigna for a Roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery.  I had gastric lap band surgery in May of 2006 and dropped 50 lbs.  However, once I starting getting band adjustments or "fills", I proceeded to regurgitate my meals.  Weight loss ceased.  In fact, I eventually gained.  In January of 2010 I was fed up enough that I had the band completely drained.  It sat dormant in my body until November 2013 when I was denied by Cigna for the first time on the grounds of being "non-compliant" with my band.

Since that time, I've been seeing my gastric surgeon monthly.  If I remember correctly, I've had two "fills" and then the old results came back.  Weight loss stalled, I was regurgitating meals more.  Very frustrating.  The past couple of visits I've been afraid to get a fill.  Fortunately, the nurse practitioner, Lily, agreed.  So I've been 2-3 months without a fill.  She's pretty sure some of the initial fill has likely even evaporated.

I have noticed that my stress level seems to be in direct correlation to my ability to eat.  Also I have challenges getting food down at that time of the month.  NO idea why that happens, I don't understand; I just know there is a pattern to both.

In April and May I had back to back week long business trips in San Antonio.  This certainly didn't help my routine.  I completely fell out of my Plexus routine and I quit logging meals and exercise altogether.  I'm definitely a creature of habit.

Surprisingly, last Thursday at my May appointment, I'd only gained 2 pounds.  I was floored but happy that it wasn't worse like I'd expected (maybe it was my guilt from falling off the wagon).

I had a shit ton of blood work drawn (to the tune of like 10 vials).  The only glaring abnormality I saw in the results was a lack of Vitamin D.

It was determined at the last visit that I would not have another fill.  But that I needed more documentation to prove "compliance" and resubmit for insurance approval.  So they sent me home with papers to log my meals and activity for the next 4-5 weeks.  This will arm us for battle with Cigna.  Lucky for me, I signed up for Aqua Zumba which starts next Monday.  I will go every Monday and Wednesday for 9 weeks.  And with my business travel over for a while, I plan to get back on my Plexus track starting tomorrow.

Another short term goal is to give up carbonated beverages like my Diet Rite and any other diet soda.  That will be a work in progress, I'm sure.

In other health news, I got the results back from last endometrial biopsy.  It came back negative for any sign of cancerous cells, which means the Merina IUD is doing its job, releasing meds that destroy the cancer cells.  The negative results means NO MORE biopsies for the next 4.5 years (the remainder of time the IUD is good).  Not sure what it means when the 5 years is up; but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.  One day at a time for now.

We have Fox for the summer; and I look forward to being active with him.  I'll keep you posted on my journey for insurance approval and beyond.  Thanks to all of my friends and followers for the encouraging words and heartfelt concern for my well being.  It keeps me going.

