Friday, June 6, 2014

Moving Rocks

I've come to learn (over time, experience and my work life) that it's VERY overwhelming to me to focus on the BIG PICTURE when I have a major task in front of me.  I can't recall which one; but one of my former bosses persuaded me to tackle one small portion at a time and chip away at the Big Picture.

The need to lose well over 150 pounds is no small task.  In fact, it's daunting.  How did I let myself get to this weight?  Did I not feel myself slowing down until now?  WHY didn't my lap band surgery work for me?  So many questions about the elephant in the room....which I'll hereby refer to as my MOUNTAIN.

I've faced this dilemma for years.  Never has it impacted me so deeply as it does now.  The truth is that it scares me when I can't do things that are part of our everyday lifestyle.  The reality is I have a husband now, that I want to grow old with, a step-son I want to do fun and active things with.  "Ain't Nobody Got Time" for slowin' down.

The results from my complete blood work up arrived. And the verdict was.........drum roll please....

My cholesterol was high (not surprising Cigna hadn't refilled my script and I was without for some time.  They did, however, ship some to me today.  And I got a supply locally while I've been waiting).

My TSH or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone was VERY high.  The doctor has since increased the dosage of my medication for the time being.  I will go back for another test in 6-8 weeks to monitor it.

Interestingly enough, my sugar level was fine (no signs of Diabetes).  I'm desperately trying to avoid that diagnosis.

Fascinating (to me at least) that my B12 and my Vitamin D were both very low.  Two things I hadn't paid much attention to in the past nor have my primary docs ever chosen to monitor it.  As a result, I now have the joy of taking prescription Vitamin D.  There really is such a thing.  I have to take it every week for the next 4 weeks to amp up on it then I guess take a smaller dose daily thereafter.

BUT WAIT, there's MORE (imagine my best infomercial voice).....I also get to go back to the life of self injections (I though I'd given this up in 2010 when I hopped off the Lovenox train).  No blood thinners this time....instead 1 ml of B12 every week for 3 weeks then I guess regular tabs daily (not sure yet).  I managed to handle injecting myself with the Lovenox pretty well, other than the shit stung when entering.  But this B12 is a ML which looks like a lot more than any amount of Lovenox I ever had.  Worse, they didn't fill the script with syringes.  So when Kevin came home with it, I was like "WTF am I supposed to inject myself with?"  So I called Walgreens, they tell us we needed to buy those separately.  Ok fine, the next day Kev stops on his way home from work and tries to buy some.  He's told by a different Walgreens that they are prescription and they will need to call the doctor for a script.  Oooookaaaayyyy.  Alas, third try was a charm and Kevin arrived home from work this evening with three lovely syringes for me.  These are not your average Lovenox syringes, these babies are more along the lines of LONG, THICK needles similar to those I had when I was given a lap band fill only not as lengthy....oh yea, and I didn't have to administer those myself!!!!

Oh yea, and those were injected by simply pinching an inch in the belly (no problem at all) and firing away.  This whole B12's muscular.  So I have to shoot into the muscle.  It's sounding a lot less FUN all of a sudden.  I'm choosing to do mine on Mondays as I feel that's when I need the most energy.....getting my work week off the ground.  So stay tuned, I'll let you know how I do.

Meanwhile my nurse friends and Mother-in-law probably all think I'm the biggest wuss who walked the planet!!!

So since my last appointment here's what I've done:

I've made good on my promise (to myself) to get back in my Plexus routine.  I've been taking my Pink Drink with 2 Accelerator tablets every morning and 2 ProBio5 tabs every night at bedtime.  I've dropped weight, my scale says 13 lbs but I'm not sure if it's calibrated the same as the docs.  So I prefer to go by what the doc's scales says each month.  My next appointment is June 25th.

I've started Aqua Zumba classes two nights a week.  I go on Mondays and Wednesdays for an hour each night.  I think I just like being in the water; because I really enjoyed it and felt good.  The only complaint I have about it is the damned bugs were dive bombing my head while I was exercising.  I will need to avoid shampooing right before class and probably even douse myself in bug spray.  My classes are for 9 weeks and take me through July.  I missed Monday.  On Wednesday there were only 3 of us, myself and a couple in their mid to late 50s.  Nice people.  The pool was closed to the public and very private.  I was completely comfortable....which is HUGE as it relates to my future attendance and ultimate success.

I've also been logging my meals/food intake as well as exercise.  This will be the documentation that is submitted (after my next appointment) to Cigna to prove the lap band isn't working for me and hopefully get their approval for Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery.

So for now, I'm focusing on some sage advice from an old boss.  I'm staring at the mountain; but I'm determined to tackle one little rock at a time.  Perhaps in your mind they are more like pebbles; but to me they seem like boulders.  So if you wonder what I'm up to, I'm just moving at a time and not stopping until I find my PEAK (or summit)!!!

Old habits are hard to break.  But as I mentioned, I'm desperate.  I have a husband and son to live for and a lot of things I still desire to do, minus any handicaps.  Maybe in the future I'll blog my weight loss bucket list.  Things I want to do when my weight will allow me to do them........Thanks to ALL of my friends and family for their sweet and heartfelt words of encouragement and motivation.  I rely on it more than you realize.

I am blessed!