Friday, October 16, 2015

13.5 month post surgery update-Happy Fall Y'ALL!

I'm not really sure what to say in these monthly blogs anymore.  I feel like I am just repeating myself over and over.

It's honestly hard to believe how much my life has changed in the past 13+ months.  I lived it; but still have a hard time wrapping my head around it.

As of today, I am 127 pounds DOWN with 49 pounds to go to my tentative GOAL weight.  The weight is coming off more slowly than it did in the beginning.  I'm pretty sure if I gave up my Starbucks habit (even though I order LITE and sugar free), I'd be at my goal weight in no time.  Me and myself are going round and round on that one?!

I wish I could get a motivational speaking gig and tell ANYONE who is overweight about my experience; and encourage them not to waste any more time considering this procedure!!

Some overview of how far I've come in 13+ months:

Top size THEN:  Women's extended size 30/32
Top size NOW:  Plus size 18/20

Jean size THEN:  Women's extended size 34
Jean size NOW:  Plus size 20

Shoe size THEN:  8.5 or 9 Wide
Shoe size now:  8M

Funny thing, my bra size has changed in band width but not as much in cup size yet.  Still trying to figure out how that's the last thing to go..........makes it kinda difficult to find a good fitting bra when you're in between cup sizes!!

Bra band THEN:  48
Bra band now:  42

I have no idea how my ring size has changed.  I only know that my rings all but fall off me now.  And I expect that to get worse with the onset of the colder weather.

Last week I wore a sweatshirt (from last season) to my cousin's football game.  His aunt (my other cousin) asked me what size it was and commented that it was "swimming" on me.  What a great feeling.  Last season I was wearing it (a 3X) comfortably, this season I look like I'm playing dress up in it.  #winning!

All statistics aside.........there is sooo much more I can and WANT to do now.

I can now shop some items in the regular size section at like CATO and Dick's Sporting Goods (where we made a recent HAUL on clearance St. Louis Blues items).  But FAR MORE exciting to me is that I can now shop places like Marshalls, Ross and TJ Maxx and buy designer label clothes at incredible prices.  I have had FANTASTIC luck at TJ Maxx and Marshalls, in particular.....finding endless items in Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren, etc.  I feel like I'm getting my old self back.  I love dressing nice.  For a long while I'd all but given up and just wore whatever worked and was comfortable.  Now I feel like I can have a sense of style again.  This helps tremendously with the self esteem.

I'm still not a big fan of the "selfie movement".  I'm not one to say, "Hey world, look at me, aren't I cute?"  But I did manage to take a couple for today's blog.

There are some benefits I've gotten that are nothing shy of PRICELESS, like feeling comfortable enough to hit the water parks with my husband and son in August....and fitting in versus standing out.  HUGE!!!

This biggest benefit, so far, is that we can now ENJOY being first time season ticket holders with the St. Louis Blues.  I can actually fit comfortably in a regular arena seat with no anxiety, stress, discomfort or need to purchase handicapped accessible seating.  Silly as it sounds, this is HUGE to me (and my family benefits from this, too); and it means the world to us.  NHL is something we're quite passionate about.

I am able to walk farther distances now and was able to take part in another charity walk last month to support my aunt who is battling ovarian cancer.  Yes, it was only a 1 mile;but it was easy and fun.  My goal is to work my way up to a 5k soon.  I've even considered training the couch to 5k thing, just to kick start a physical activity.  I've already told you about my exercise allergy?!

The cooler weather and onset of fall, has really encouraged me to spend more time in the great outdoors.

I can't stress enough what a difference ONE year makes........I feel like I got my life back.  I am infinitely more active and happy and enjoying every bit of it.  I've enjoyed my family more, they've enjoyed me more, we have no more limitations due to my lack of mobility, it's INCREDIBLE.  Honestly.  I'm not exaggerating.  My only wish is that I had chosen the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass back in 2006 versus the "safer" alternative of the lap-band.  I could have had 8 more years of life back.  Oh well....hindsight............

What else am I doing to stay on track???

Well, my family and I still subscribe and are VERY passionate about our diet.  We eat at home more and out far less.  And we're OK with that.  In fact, we don't miss it.  I still prepare wholesome meals by utilizing fresh (non processed and mostly organic) food and Wildtree seasonings, which give us the FLAVOR and VARIETY we need to keep from getting bored with the same meals over and over.  I eat chicken now in epic proportions (well as compared to the fact I never ate it before surgery).

We tend to rotate certain proteins we like:  chicken, pork and beef.....and use the Wildtree seasonings to make different ethnic meals, tastes, etc.  So far we've yet to get tired or bored of any.  I VERY rarely buy processed food; and I find I feel GUILTY when I eat something prepackaged.  After a while of living like this, I've found my body revolts if I travel and eat out a lot or change my diet too much.  For this I am grateful.

To this day, I still have not had a soda or carbonated beverage (15 months and counting).  I'm deathly afraid that it will sabotage my results.  So I've managed to stick to iced tea and water.  The soda cravings have been gone for several months, thank goodness.  And it doesn't bother me to have some in the house for Kevin.

Same with sweets.  I may THINK I want something sweet.  But when I attempt it, one bite in and it's lost it's appeal.  Again, I am grateful.  I only bake with sugar free recipes and cake mixes now.  And by default, this is how Kevin and Fox are eating as well.  Low sugar diet.  I am CONVINCED this has helped me with my success.  I truly do not feel like I am missing out on ANYTHING.  I can still have a piece of cake (sugar free) or a cookie (sugar free).  They make sooo many low sugar, no added sugar and sugar free items's wonderful.  I also use sugar substitutes in everyday recipes so that I can enjoy an ocassional sweet here and there.  I do not indulge in the same mass quantities I once did.  In fact, I'm somewhat amazed that one small square of a Hershey bar satisfies my craving and I'm done.  The old Lori would barely find satisfaction in one full Hershey bar muchless one measley square!  It all goes back to moderation.

Pillsbury makes both yellow and devil's food cake mixes that are sugar free.  And they also make a couple frosting flavors (chocolate and vanilla) that are sugar free.  And last week at Shop 'N Save I found a couple new products they are making that are sugar free.  Also pictured are products that I now stock and use as substitutions for brown sugar, real sugar, etc.  I've shared my entire Wildtree stash with you so you can see what all they offer.  Products are Certified Organic, many even gluten free.  Even if you're not looking to lose weight, these type of items will help you make healthier choices.  So when they say it's NOT a diet but a LIFESTYLE CHANGE, it's TRUE!  One small tweak at a time, using the eat this, not that method or the drink this, not that method will have you on your way in no time.  If I can do it ANYONE can!  BELIEVE me!

I'm sure the SUGAR FREE products have some ingredients that are not so healthy (there usually is and we find out later)......but reducing sugar has helped me tremendously.  So I suppose I'll take a little bad with the good.

I swear by the Wildtree products so much so that I became a rep myself.  Not so much to hock the products but because I'm so passionate about the benefits, quality and taste.  Plus it gives me a little bit of discount to keep it affordable.  Kevin and I live on Wildtree meals and prefer them over eating out any day of the week!  Fox (my step son) even loves them!  I have the added security in knowing I'm feeding my family healthful foods....all while I stay on track.  Again, #winning!

Not really much else to report.  Funny, when I started today's post I was at a loss for what I was going to say.  Yet, here I am with another long winded diatribe about my new life.  I hope the food tips were useful in illustrating how simple it truly is to get started on a healthier path.

Don't look at the big picture, set small goals and chip away at the overall agenda.

If anyone cares to know more about Wildtree, don't hesitate to hit me up or check out my Wildtree website at:

Until next month..........Happy Halloween and make the most of your autumn season.


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