Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Life 9 months post Gastric Bypass Surgery-LOTS to CELEBRATE!!!

The truth is, 9 months after surgery, I'm kind of past the "discovery" phase.  Other than my current stats, there's really not much "news" to report.  So, lucky for you, this will be another short and sweet blog post with the basics.

In two days it will officially be 9 months since my bypass surgery last August.  The one recurring thought I have is, "WHY didn't I do this sooner?", "WHY didn't I just had bypass instead of lap band in 2006?", "I could have had EIGHT MORE years of LIFE?!".  Ahhh, but I suppose that wasn't part of His plan.  Better late than never.

Today I weighed in at 107 pounds down.  Based on our conservative goal of a total 180 pounds to lose, I have 73 to go.  I wonder how long that will take.  It's coming off steadily but in a lot slower fashion that the first 80 or so.  I'm OK with that; so long as the line on my weight loss graph keeps going the right direction!!!

I feel like I say the SAME thing over and over on each post.........I can't get over how much more energy and LIFE I have in me.  As the days, weeks and months pass, the feeling only intensifies.  Aside from my health, it's been the number ONE benefit for me, honestly.

I think about the things I used to NEVER do and how much I am enjoying them now.  Just last year I was paying others to plant flowers in our garden and tidy up our yard to enjoy.  This year, I am able to do it myself AND enjoy it.  It's still physically demanding for a near 50 year old; but my body tolerates the heat and the labor now.  I now have the mobility to do those things.  It's literally AMAZING to me.  I am so grateful.

Here's a few things I managed to accomplish this weekend while Kevin took his turn to trim all the overgrowth along our fence lines.  I did it last year (pre surgery) and promised him this year was on him!  Together we managed to FINISH the back yard with the exception of needing a chain saw to trim a few limbs from trees and one small pile of leaves we ran out of lawn bags for.  FINALLY we're ready to kick back and enjoy our yard for the season!

Memorial Weekend was probably our first weekend in over 6 months that we didn't have any plans.  So we agreed to commit to one thing and then spend the rest at home working on chores and relaxing.  We kept our promise to one another.

I have a cousin who is a mere 48 and in congestive heart failure.  He was told there was nothing more they can do for him (no more stents, bypass surgeries, etc).  Additionally, he was denied for a heart transplant recently.  So we decided to take a day trip down to Kimmswick and meet up with him and his wife for the afternoon.

My aunt, who is fighting a battle of her own (ovarian cancer) asked if she could crash our party.  So she and her hubby rode their Harley down and met up with us.

It was a beautiful weekend.  We had a gorgeous day, sunshine and mild temps, wonderful company and just a simple good time.  I think it was great medicine for everyone.  While some may consider that I'm in a battle of MY own with obesity, I see it as I've been given a new lease on life.  I am so glad I was able to spend the day with people I love who are fighting for their lives.  We shared laughter and tears.  It was much more about being together than it was where we were or what we were doing.

We closed the evening by having dinner at my cousin, Charlie's local haunt, La Pachanga.  FUN times.  So fun that we've already set another "date" for June 20th.  For all my Kranz cousins, don't miss Cousins' night at Fairmount Park!!!

Below is a photo of us (with our spouses) at LaPachanga.......celebrating LIFE and LOVE.

Wishing you all PEACE, LIFE and LOVE-


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